Discover Llandeilo

The handsome market town of Llandeilo fuses farming feet with country chic. Overlooking the majestic river Tywi and surrounded by lush green pastures. The town boasts a great selection of independent traders and quirky antique shops, and you’ll be spoilt for choice with quality eateries. If you’re yet to visit then I’m sure you will after watching this!

Yn nhref farchnad hardd Llandeilo daw byd y ffermwyr i gwrdd â steil cefn gwlad. Gan edrych dros afon fawreddog y Tywi sydd wedi’i hamgylchynu â phorfeydd gleision toreithiog. Mae gan y dref ddewis arbennig o fasnachwyr annibynnol a siopau hen bethau unigryw, a dewis helaeth o fwytai o safon. Os nad ydych wedi ymweld eto, rwy’n siŵr y byddwch am fynd yno ar ôl gwylio hwn!


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